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When giving IELTS EXAM
There often comes a doubt to choose between idp and British council
As we know there are two councils for ielts idp and British council
But which one is Better and from which council we can get more band score
Is there something like that or not?
Well the answer is no
Both the councils are just exam condu ting bodies
They don't make exam
Exam is prepared by univ of Cambridge and it has authorized two bodies tovconfuct exam.
The exam of both the councils has same dates and exam on one date is similar two both the councils
There is no difference in questions
Pattern and difficulty level
The checking criteria is also set by university of Cambridge.
So there is no difference in exam and it is totally false that one council prepared easy exam as the exam on oneIdp vs british council watch video particular date is same for both the councils [written part listening reading writing]
This myth is only spreaded by some students who had given the exam from particular council and think it is difficult or easier
So result is that there is no such thing
Both the councils are same in fact they are for our easyness so that we can select the exam on the given date as they provide us more number of seats
For more information
WATCH THIS video on YouTube
Idp vs British council
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